Clark Hockey Team Helps Raise $8,000 for Compassionate Needs Fund

Clark Hockey Team Helps Raise $8,000 for Compassionate Needs Fund

On Saturday, February 18, MyMichigan Sault and Clark Construction Company went head-to-head in the first ever charity hockey game between the two groups in an effort to raise funds for the MyMichigan Medical Center Sault Compassionate Needs Fund.

The original concept for the event started over a year ago, but was rescheduled due to multiple COVID-related delays. The Clark team was made up of all-Clark employees from the various Clark locations throughout Michigan and the MMH Sault roster comprised of MMH Sault staff, physicians, and/or other local business partners and local hockey enthusiasts.

During the event, several other fundraising events were held such as a 50/50 raffle, “chuck-a-puck”, and participants could donate money to add or remove goals from either team, which is what contributed to the final score of 98-96.  In total, over $8,000 in donated funds were raised for the Compassionate Needs Fund and both MMH Sault and Clark Construction Co. have expressed interest in holding the event again in the future.

Donations can still be contributed to the event by visiting