Progress Update at Grand Ledge School District

Progress Update at Grand Ledge School District

This summer, Clark Construction Company is leading the work being done around the Grand Ledge School District. Regarding Beagle Middle School, the new addition is complete except for the bus loop around back. The new addition doubled the size of the school and added a brand-new gym and an Olympic sized swimming pool with diving boards. After demolition of the track, a new round-a-bout was completed leading out to M-43 from the middle school.

A new state of the art athletic field and track were installed along M-43. The field will be used for football, soccer, and lacrosse for their upcoming seasons this next school year. Along with the track, new long jump, pole vault, and discus/shot put areas were also completed. Finally, a concession building was also constructed.

At the high school, we are erecting a 38,000 square foot addition as well as renovating a few existing classrooms. In the new addition, the school will be getting a massive weight room, paired with new locker rooms. Also in the new addition will be a new band room, offices, as well as new concessions for the basketball court.

Mobilization to start construction on Delta Center Elementary will occur on August 1. The school will be getting a new art and music room, as well as some exterior upgrades.

Our trades have been amazing to work with, as well as the school staff! We really look forward to making the school happy with our work!