Why do you like being in construction industry?
I enjoy being in the construction industry because it’s always changing. There is so much to learn that it’s impossible to get bored. Each project brings about new challenges and a new team. There are always new people, new ideas and ample opportunities to make new connections all throughout the industry. I also love the sense of accomplishment that comes from being able to physically see my hard work as a project is completed in the field.
Why are women successful leaders in this industry?
Women are successful leaders because of our ability to switch gears and refocus when necessary. We’re also excellent communicators and can get a lot done in a short amount of time.
Advice that you have for women entering the A/E/C.
Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Work to find opportunities for hands on experiences. Get out into the field often and make connections with the men and women working in the field because their experiences will teach you a lot of new things. Don’t forget to have fun and practice safety at all times!